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We help Midwest tech startups succeed

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We invest in Midwest startups that we believe in through like minded  funds and accelerator programs.


Occasionally we find an organization that will benefit from our direct investment and partnership an invest directly.


Capital is only one component that supports a startup but sometimes, it's make or break. We are definitely in the making business.

Sometimes there are great ideas  looking for the right people to make something happen and sometimes great people looking for ideas.  


There are potential founders and ideas everywhere we look. Amazing humans  ready to do the work. Some just need a little inspiration and focus to get going.

We like to instigate change by matching people with opportunities and building around that match.

No one figures it all out on their own. We're no different. Our successes were dependent on smart, more experienced mentors steering us out of traps and into a tailwind. Now we help others.


Our journey has put us in touch with some of the best practitioners in the industry across a wide variety of functional areas. We give founders and start up leaders the opportunity to learn from them, as we have.  


We are founders and operators who have made successful exits and now work with others to build businesses with integrity that are sustainable, profitable and meaningful. We help build organizations that have a positive impact on customers, employees and communities. 




St Paul, MN

 © 2019
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